How to Identify if Your Loved One is Struggling with Addiction

It's not uncommon for people to struggle with addiction. And when someone you love is the one who is dealing with it, it can be heart-wrenching to watch. It can be difficult to determine if your loved one is going through addiction, especially if he or she is trying to hide it. Fortunately, there are signs to look out for that can help you identify whether or not your loved one is struggling with addiction. In this blog post, we will discuss five of the most common signs of addiction that you can watch out for.

Changes in behavior

One of the most noticeable signs of addiction in a loved one is changes in behavior. If you notice that your loved one has become more irritable, aggressive, or anxious, it could be an indicator that there's something wrong. These changes could be caused by many things, but if they're accompanied by other signs of addiction, it may be time to start probing deeper.

Financial issues

Addiction can lead to financial problems, especially if the substance your loved one is using is expensive. If you notice that your loved one is struggling to pay bills, is constantly asking for money, or is frequently borrowing money from others, it could be a sign of addiction. You should try to be mindful of their spending habits and take immediate action if you notice a change.

Neglecting responsibilities

Addiction could also lead to your loved one neglecting their responsibilities. They may skip work or school more frequently, ignore housework and other daily routines, or start to neglect their relationships because of addiction. If you notice that your loved one is no longer taking care of themselves or their routine, it's a clear sign that something is amiss.

Changes in appearance

Depending on what substance your loved one is abusing, there could be noticeable changes in their physical appearance. For example, he or she may lose or gain weight, develop skin problems or start neglecting their personal hygiene. These changes could be indicative of addiction, and it is important to take note of them and speak to your loved one about them.

Secretive behavior

If your loved one is going through addiction, they may be actively trying to hide it from you and others. This could lead to secretive behavior, such as locking doors, avoiding eye contact, or not allowing anyone into certain areas of the house. If you notice that your loved one is becoming more secretive than usual, it could be a sign of addiction.

These are just a few of the most common signs that your loved one may be struggling with addiction. If you've noticed any of these signs, it's important to take action to get your loved one the help that they need.

For more resources and support, join the Family Recovery Collective.


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